Clint Eastwood was born in San Francisco on May 31, 1930. He is an American actor, director and producer. He graduated from Los Angeles College. His father was a steel mill worker. In 1950, he entered the University of Los Angeles to study acting. After graduation, he played a small role in Universal Pictures. In 1955, he appeared in Allen in Movieland, his first film.

Clint Eastwood once famously said in one of his films: “Go ahead, make my day.” And it looks like he’s got enough money, saved up through all his years in Hollywood, to make his own day, day after day, year after year, not just for himself but for each of his kids (all eight of them) and their kids. That’s how rich the man is. And nobody should be expecting otherwise—the man is the very definition of a Hollywood icon, after all. The man is nearing his nineties, and is still, to his credit, producing movies.
