Allan Key Stairway

No home is complete without a trusty toolbox, and no toolbox is complete without a trusty set of wrenches. We call all those different little wrenches plenty of names—hex wrenches, Allan Keys, among others—but it is not that hard to think that anyone who owns at least one piece of IKEA furniture has at least 17 of these scattered throughout their homes.

This guy chose to arrange his own set of wrenches into a staircase, making use of them at last. We would like to think that he could at least use these wrenches some time after for some home repairs like roofing or flooring.

What Conditioner Does He Use?

Growing your beard out is a trend that has actually been a standard for some time now. This grooming practice is quite a popular style investment for men. In fact, it is so popular that it has even lasted longer than other fads like the man bun.

The man in the photo seems to have grown his beard out rather impressively.

Unfortunately this man can only hope to get all the attention that many bearded guys on the Internet get since that is really just his girlfriend standing in front of him with her back to the camera and her hair poised as his “beard”.

Wild, Wild Horses

Fountains are often a work of art in themselves that take us away from the boring reality of city life and into the realm of the scenery they depictbut like an unusual flooring choice, this fountain manages to recreate life in an easy but efficient way. The horses here appear to be dashing through the waterfall, and I admit that this is quite believably realistic.

I am a fan particularly of the tiny horse in the back that seems to be only hurrying into the fountain now. You can do it, little one; just keep running, and it will be pretty alright soon!

Who’s In Front?

I need to ask you a simple question that should not require an attorney or two to answer. Which of the two buildings in the picture is closer to you? What you say will not matter to me at all because we can debate on which between the two is indeed closer.
We can argue about this picture all day long if you feel like it, but I would like to think that the building on the right side is in front because the sunlight shining on it makes it stand out more than its left darker counterpart.

Pool Party

If I ever visit this exhibit, this particular piece would make my mind go in frenzy. They say this pool is not in fact a pool at all, but from the looks of this art installation, I find it difficult to believe them.

I would like to think that there is a layer of glass holding some water right atop it to fool viewers from above into thinking that the people below are walking freely underwater. Just imagine having this sort of glass for your flooring. Now Leo’s death in Titanic almost seems more exciting to me than this could ever.

Has Fashion Gone Too Far?

Fashion has lately taken some incredibly weird risks in recent times, but a certain fad that does not seem to have an expiration date is the trend of camo-printed apparel and our bizarre obsession with it.

What do we not want other people to see here? It does not seem like anyone will be joining the Army soon, and let us hope so too. Maybe we should slow down on any more investments into all-camouflage clothing and come to terms with the fact that it is not and has never been a great look on everyone except on military personnel.

Sneak Level 100

I doubt I will ever let go of my obsession with 3D art. I know the man drawn onto the pages of the sketchpad above is not really thinking of making his way around the edge of this book, but the manner with which he has been drawn is just too realistic to have me convinced otherwise!

I already know that I would not fare so well in a game of Pictionary, but works of art like this will never fail to astound me. This could be a cool decoration to my own walls and flooring, but maybe I could fool myself in my own home if I went through with it.

A Devastating Realization

You can skip this page if you are not a fan of bad news. It looks like the llama on the right is holding up a tiny bell with its hand and jingling it, but this is not true at all. If you think these llamas are about to start an uprising a la Rise of the Planet of the Apes style, then you would be both pleased and a bit disappointed that you would not need an attorney to defend you in such a case.

That is merely another llama sporting a hat back there. It is adorable but nowhere nearly as memorable.

I Don’t Get It, But I Respect It

No matter how I look at this tattoo, it just does not seem real to me. I do not know of the story behind this particular work of body ink, but I sure will be devoting more time to simply studying it for some time.

His arm seems rather hollow here, but I am not sure if the trick was intentional in the first place. Despite all that, I can guarantee that it can catch the attention of anyone who even manages to capture a glimpse of it, and the artist behind this one truly deserves all the credit for creating such an eye-catching piece.

I’m Not Crying, You’re Crying

The advertising agency behind this photo series created this marketing campaign to spread awareness on the good deed that is pet adoption, and I am really holding back on applying for some personal loans myself and calling an Uber to visit the animal shelter and adopt 12 dogs for me alone at this moment.

This is a touching and endearing series of photographs that could make eyes of anyone who even comes upon this by chance shed a tear or two. I do not mean to come off as a preacher about it, but so many homeless pet animals should land in a good home.
