The now-iconic guitarist Jimmy Page found his first six-stringed instrument during his childhood days. It was a Spanish guitar that may have been left by the previous owners of his at-the-time house. Today, with Page being one of the most influential guitarists in the business, it’s safe to say that finding that abandoned guitar was the first investment he ever made for his career.

Houses can come in different shapes and sizes. Well, in Page’s case, it’s a castle. Built between 1875 and 1881, this 13th-century Gothic-themed abode is filled with eye-catching amenities – everything from the ceiling to the floor is nothing short of awe-inspiring. In fact, stepping into any area is like venturing into a particular time or era of the world’s history! Besides providing a fair number of bedrooms, this straight-out-of-a-fantasy house also features two nurseries, a library, and a drawing-room.
