Christie Brinkley has so many occupations that surprise you. She is an actress, illustrator, photographer, designer, and human rights and animal rights. She has been active in her career since 1973 and has accumulated huge wealth. Christie Brinkley joins the list of Hollywood celebrities who are selling off their mansions. She says goodbye to her long-time Hamptons estate, putting it with a $29.5 million tag price. The house boasts 20 acres of land. It is located in Tower Hills.

The house is said to be perfect for Christie and her three kids. But as the kids are now all grown-up, it is no longer practice for her to live in this sprawling house. The 66-year-old model has lived here for a long time. Although she was initially known as a California surfer girl, she was ready to leave this credit, and call Hamptons her home.
