John Joseph Travolta is a singer and an American actor. Travolta has been nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for Saturday Night Fever and Pulp Fiction Performances. For his portrayal of the lawyer Robert Shapiro in the film, he also earned an additional Emmy nomination and a Golden Globe nomination.

Since we’re moving into some very opulent territory, let’s talk about John unique property. What makes it different, you ask? Well, unlike other celebs who invested in huge pools or massive closets, John chose to build a private airport in his backyard. There are even hangars that hold his fleet of planes! For $12 million, we’re sure he’s pretty happy with this investment. It comes complete with two runways and a landing strip. When he’s not flying planes, he can also spend time in one of his pools or tee off with friends. Surprised? John’s got his own golf course, too!
