Catch a Pokémon

People who choose less than usual clothing to go grocery shopping usually get stares from other customers. Costumes around Walmart are a great source of entertainment as it is, but when you add a tiny human to the mix, it gets even more entertaining. Take this little Pikachu waiting in line to swipe his credit card (or his mom’s) for example. His parents deserve props for playing along as well. The adorable trio definitely brings to mind the good old times when the game Pokémon Go was such a fad! We hope no one tried to catch this cutie, though.

Pure Artistry

All the world’s a stage and on it, you can wear your best costume. Showing off your style and “sweeping” the flooring of Walmart with it is not uncommon at all. These styles has had many variations in the past few years, but this might be our favorite. She is dressed up in a white printed t-shirt, white turban, a red necklace, a red tutu skirt, white pants, furry red leg warmers, and black shoes. To top it off, he even has one red horn. We don’t know what she’s trying to pull off, but we cannot deny that seeing her actually brightened up our day!

Just a Normal Day

We’re not sure why some people choose to wear costumes to Walmart or why they seem to feel it’s a safe space for them to express their outfit dreams. Take this guy wearing a Sumo wrestler suit for example. Although it’s a little bit strange to see on a regular day, he doesn’t seem to be bothered. In fact, he’s on his phone and being very casual about it. The degree of confidence is enviable. It makes you wonder if he does this on a regular basis or if this happened to be a special occasion. Perhaps he’s on his way to costume party?

Mobile Dating Ad

Dating can become frustrating for some. You can go online to find someone or you can rely on your friends to set you up with someone they know. Either way, it can only go two ways: success or failure. One thing that not a lot of people have tried, though, is this guy’s approach. He made himself walking dating advertisement by writing “any single females want a good man text me” on his shirt. He then put his plan into motion by parading himself at the supermarket. It’s a pretty smart move – depending on how the women perceive it. He gets credit for guts and wits.

A Bedazzled Ankle

Most people who just got out of jail sometimes need to wear an ankle monitor. Staying at home is the preferred option for them but when they need to go out, they typically try to hide the device.  This lady seems to be proud of hers, though. She has even chosen to adorn hers with gems and glitters. On top of that, it is smugly exposed for all the good people of Walmart to see. Thanks to her creativity, it did become slightly classier, just like any other jewelry someone would wear. We wonder what her attorney would think about this makeover, though.

Walking Down the Aisle

Weddings are always a dream. The scene of a bride walking down the aisle in her lovely dress that she took forever to choose, is one that is very emotional and heartwarming for any viewer. Of course, when we say aisle we didn’t mean the grocery aisle. This couple, for some reason, went shopping together—though they didn’t coordinate their outfits well. We know that the wedding dress is a huge investment but, using it to the grocery store is pretty extreme. Is it possible that this bride was on her way to church and stopped for a snack here first?

Sick Hero

When a Transformer walks into the store, you should know something isn’t right. It’s a scene straight out of a fanboy or fangirl’s dream. We wonder if this is the right medication for them, though. Shouldn’t they head to a service station instead? We can’t have a sick hero battling unearthly villains to protect the planet! We wonder if Transformers get insurance plans as well. At the very least, he should get a superhero discount for the medicine he’s buying. Saving the world isn’t a walk in the park, you know. Kidding aside, this person deserves kudos for putting a smile on people’s faces that day.

Holey Shirt

We can’t be too sure if this shirt was intentionally sold this way. It looks like a DIY project, honestly. This person probably took an old t-shirt and cut holes through it—for style points. We’re think they got a little too eager with the scissors, though. By the looks of things, that t-shirt had more holes than actual fabric. We wonder if he’s feeling chilly with it on. Style and sense didn’t really work together for this particular design. Perhaps it’s time this person took online classes for fashion. It would definitely help them with improving their future creations.

Cowboy Boots Guy

This guy definitely caught the attention of many. Everyone’s getting into the Christmas spirit everywhere, but he chose to be in raunchy cowboy gear. It already is a risqué outfit, but to wear it to the grocery to pick up some fruit? We think that’s a bit too festive, even for the season. Was he on his way to a Christmas party? Perhaps this is simply his personal style. In any case, it elevated grocery store fashion a degree higher and w’re all for it. A little harmless fun with dressing up never hurt anyone—at least, he’s got his private bits covered.

Crimson, Sleek, and Polished

After all the inappropriate and bizarre looks we’ve seen, we close this list with someone looking incredibly sleek. Though his outfit is still out of place, we give him props for looking sharp and polished in his rose-colored suit. His tails are on point and he is definitely head-turning. Imagine a crimson Alexander Hamilton walking by the produce section. Wouldn’t that be a sight to behold? We wonder if he’ll pay with a platinum credit card or with three bags of gold. He may very well have a coach, a footman, and four horses waiting for him outside. Truly, he is dressed to the nines.

You’ve Reached The End
