Signs Shown By Our Body That Demands Attention

The body is made up of a perfect mechanism of many parts and processes happening all at once. And as a unit of many organs having different functions and processes, our body has its own ways of raising red flags to signal if something is not working or flowing right.

The signs that the body show might mean issues that need to be addressed before more serious health problems start to develop. Ignoring these signs may lead to the issue and cause a build-up of a more serious health concern to the degree that it may become too complicated, expensive, and intrusive to prevent or treat.

To avoid serious health problems from occurring, we must pay attention to what and how our body is trying to get to us. Since our body has its way of telling us what we need, it is best to be sensitive and conscious of the signs. To help you identify the signals that the body shows indicating the need for medical intervention, changes in diet, or the need to assess one’s lifestyle, here are the following signs and explanations.

Insomnia, Irritability, And Leg Cramps

If you have not been having enough sleep, especially if you are unable to sleep at times that you should have already been sleeping, it is a clear indication that you have insomnia. Add to the trouble of not falling or staying asleep, showing signs of agitation to some degree, as well as experiencing leg cramps make these sure signs that your body needs magnesium and potassium. Attending to your body’s needs early on through adding bananas, oranges, spinach, and tomatoes to your everyday diet will replenish the vital elements needed by your body. It will also save you an unnecessary trip to the hospital due to more serious and severe cases as a result of ignoring the early signs.

Dry Skin

While having dry skin isn’t usually serious, it can be a sign though that your skin lacks vitamin E. In most cases, it can be due from extreme temperatures of hot or cold weather, having low moisture in the air, or soaking way too long in hot water. Some cases give bad credits to the use of strong detergent formula or skin soaps. But there is nothing much to worry about in these cases as they can be easily addressed by applying topical creams infused with vitamin E or one may choose to take it orally in capsules. Best of all, include food that are good sources of vitamin E— such as eating more vegetables, healthy oil, nuts, and fresh fish— in your daily diet.

Sweet Tooth

To some people, when stress kicks in, they experience a strong desire to eat salty food. This turns out as mindlessly munching on seasoned nuts or chips. But others opt more on the sweets. Snacking on sugar may feel good and satisfying to some degree. However, it can get excessive and addictive too. That is why best to take it in moderation. The sweet tooth craving is almost always the result of being in a state of stress, depression, or exhaustion. So the next time you’re in these states and your body craves for glucose, best to satisfy your cravings in small and regulated portions. If it helps, go for honey or some chunks of dark chocolate to avoid gaining weight.

Desire To Eat Ice

People who experience anemia are those who are actually iron deficient. And in those cases, they may find themselves craving for something icy or cold. When this sign shows up, it is a signal from your body about its need for iron. That is why it’s time to look into your regular diet and make sure that the food you eat are good sources of iron, such as eggs, beef, beans and lentils, tofu, dark greens, and potatoes. Although in cases like this, no matter how light the concern may be, it is still best to consult the doctor for the proper prognosis of the desire to eat ice and lack energy. Anything that is done properly, especially medically, keeps us safe from unnecessarily using up our health care insurance.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be caused by something as simple as getting cut in the gums due to minor accidents. In other cases and to some degree, it could be symptoms of a more serious health condition. Usually, sudden bleeding of our gums due to brushing is a sure sign of deficiency in vitamin C. So to avoid this, do check on your regular food intake and make sure you are only consuming food that are rich in vitamin C, such as but not limited to the following: citrus fruits, green vegetables like spinach, red and green bell peppers, and broccoli. But if you still see the signs in your body despite your diet and boost of the vitamin, it would probably be best to go to your doctor.

Fragile Nails And Hair

Having fragile nails and hair is not a typical sign of health, even for the most sensitive- skinned people in the world. It is usually a red flag that should call your attention to attend to your body’s needs. The occurrence of having brittle hair and nails can be credited to many things. But more often than not, it is usually linked to your body’s need for biotin. Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7, which helps your food intake be converted into food energy. The best sources of the element can be attained by drinking more milk and taking in some seaweeds or nori as well as some mushrooms. Despite already observing the proper diet and taking of supplements, persistent conditions will involve a trip to the doctor.

Rings Around The Irises

For people over 50 years old, the appearance of rings around their irises is common. The rings around the iris are medically known as Arcus Senilis. However, the occurrence of this on younger people raises a red flag about their health, as its appearance on younger people could be a sign that the person has high cholesterol levels. Having high cholesterol at a young age is not normal for more youthful and healthy people. It is usually a sign for them to keep their cholesterol intake on the check. In cases like this, it is always best to consult the doctor for proper diagnosis, regardless of age. Some cases may lead to more serious conditions where treatments would come out of the pockets of one’s health insurance.

Greek Foot

Greek foot can also be called as “fire foot” or the “Morton’s toe.” This is a standout feature showing a longer second toe on your foot. Having such a condition can be credited to the constant callusing at the base of the second toe. It can also emerge as a result of discomfort on the ball of the second toe. This condition, when left untreated, may lead to some foot discomfort while wearing certain types of footwear, primarily when wearing flats. As a general rule, it is best to know which type or style of shoes can be best suited for your foot to minimize uncomfortable situations and blisters or callouses on your toe as well as other parts of your feet.

Cravings For Salty Food

If you are craving salty food, it could be your body’s way of saying that it might be in need of more minerals. Most minerals are composed of salt, which is the reason why your body is craving for the consumption of more sodium. So the next time you are craving for something salty, give it to your body and take your bag of potato chips, peanuts, and dry meat. But only do so in moderation, as consuming more than the daily requirement and feeding on such food every day can be detrimental to your health. Supplement for added minerals can be helpful too. However, we need to observe these cravings, should it get intense, as it may also be credited to inflammation or an infection somewhere in the body.

Hunger For Something Raw

You might also wonder how for no particular reason, you crave something raw to eat, all of a sudden. Some examples of this type of food would be cheese, sushi, or sashimi. Well, one possible answer is that there could be a certain degree of imbalance in the gastrointestinal or digestive system in your body. Since raw food is known to be effective in easing uncomfortable gastroenteritis conditions, that could be the big reason why your body is inviting you to a raw food refill. To help you get out of the imbalance, consciously change your diet and make sure to eat fresh food that has more leafy vegetables and lots of fruits— or you also can’t go wrong with also treating yourself to some raw salmon sushi.
