In 1989, Britney Spears, accompanied by her mother, went to Atlanta for the Mickey Mouse Club draft. Although she was only 8 years old, she was not selected, but her outstanding singing talent was recognized by the producers. She began to carry out special training for her for three years, which laid a solid foundation for her future performing career. Britney Spears is another celebrity who’s survived all the horrible entanglements celebrities tend toward after a sudden meteoric rise.

She lost custody of her children to her ex-husband Kevin Federline and checked herself into rehab for reasons that were speculated to be related to substance abuse. She also got into a highly publicized feud with her father, who she claims forced her to take drugs and enter a mental institution against her wishes. Whatever the case may be, she was a major figure in the music industry during her time. That coupled with the many real estate investments around Los Angeles that she’s made have collectively resulted in her being the massively wealthy person that she is today.
