Phylicia Rashad rose to prominence when she played the role of Clair Huxtable on the hit television series The Cosby Show, which ran on the air for eight years. The show was so successful it even had reruns. Rashad started her career at the Baozhan Club. She has been active since 1972 and her career has been very successful. She is the first black actress to win the Tony Award for Best Actress.

In an interview, Rashad said she was grateful for being part of The Cosby Show. She called it a blessing, a gift, and a privilege to work for a show that meant incredibly huge for other people. Rashad also said that doing work like this was an incredible gift. Now at 73, Rashad remains active in the industry. She continues her acting career, receiving movie and television credits here and there. She is also part of the theater world.
